• 贝丝护士的留言:



    I look forward to working with you in the upcoming 2022/23 school year at Westerman 学前教育! 与此同时,我想提醒家长们一些必须要做的事情 如果你的学生有任何医疗需求.  如果你的学生没有任何医疗需求,请忽略这封信.


    很多这样的信息可能看起来令人望而生畏, but I just wanted to be as thorough as possible so that you have as much time as possible to get things squared away.  如果你对这些问题有疑问, 护士会在学年开始的时候和你一起工作. 


    你的学生的安全和健康对我们所有人来说都是至关重要的.  有几种诊断我们 需要 某些表格,医生的笔记和药物必须保存在房内.  请参阅以下页面中不同诊断的示例.  


    请注意,没有这些表格和药物,学生不能开始上学.  It is best to begin calling their doctors’ offices now to be sure you have everything in order well before the first day of school. 


    我知道我们需要的东西清单可能看起来很吓人, but doctors’ offices in the area are familiar with the types of forms that 美高梅博彩 need. 这些要求对该区所有年级的所有学生都是一样的. 



    如果你的学生对任何食物有严重的过敏, 蚊虫叮咬, latex, 或者其他任何东西, there are some forms and medications we will need to have at the school in the event your student has a mild or severe allergic reaction. 这还不包括季节性过敏. 


    1. 过敏行动计划 - this must be given to you by and signed by a healthcare provider, such as an MD, NP, or PA. This is a document that gives clear instructions on what to do in certain situations where a student may be having an allergic reaction. Most offices have their own standardized versions of this, but if they do not, they may use 这一个. 

    2. 过敏原的记录 -我们必须从医疗保健提供者那里获得孩子过敏原的清晰清单. 它们可能只是包含在他们的过敏行动计划中,这很好. 

    3. 药物管理表格 -请由医疗保健提供者填写此表格. 请务必在底部签名. 这给了我们用药的许可. 你可以在这里找到表格. 

    4. 药物 -请确保在开学前准备好这些药物! 它们必须装在原包装盒中,并且仍然贴着处方标签. 确保它们不会在学年期间到期. 

    a. 肾上腺素喷油器 -如果医生给你的孩子开了肾上腺素注射器(Epi-Pen), AuviQ), 我们必须有一套两套,只在学校里保存. b. 苯那君 - the 苯那君 must be in liquid form and must be the correct dosage (typically the doctor orders children’s 苯那君). 一定没打开,还在盒子里吗. 苯海拉明不需要处方. 

    c. 沙丁胺醇吸入器 -如果你的学生也有哮喘或处方吸入器过敏反应, 我们还需要一个上学用的. 

    i. 隔垫/室 -如果您的孩子服用了吸入器, 我们还必须有一个间隔室在学校里,以备我们需要时使用. 


    我们将需要每个表格的副本,无论是通过电子邮件发送的文件(PDF或扫描图像), 或者是随药物一起寄来的. 我们不接受表格的照片. 

    We must have epinephrine injectors AND antihistamines (苯那君 or other) available at the school in the event of an allergic reaction. 

    Your school nurse will call you toward the start of the next school year to go over your student’s health care plan and to determine 如果有任何 special accommodations need to be made.


    如果你的学生 ever 被诊断为以上任何一种情况,我们 MUST have an inhaler (and spacer, if ordered) for them that can just be kept at the school. If your student was diagnosed with asthma as a baby and has not had an episode in several years, 不认为诊断已经解决了! 相反,询问他们的医生. It’s important to have a rescue inhaler at home and at school in case they have an unexpected asthma attack.


    1. 哮喘行动计划 -这必须来自医疗保健提供者(医学博士)并由其签署, 护士, 或医师助理——这不能由注册护士签署). Doctors’ offices in the area are familiar with this type of form and likely have their own standardized Action Plan that they use. 它会提示何时使用吸入器,何时拨打911等. 

    2. 药物管理表格 -请由医疗保健提供者填写此表格. 请务必在底部签名. 这允许我们根据需要使用吸入器. 你可以在这里找到表格. 

    3. 吸入器和间隔器要留在学校 -如果你的孩子患有哮喘或反应性呼吸道疾病,那么他们就是 要求 在学校里放一个吸入器. 让他们的医生开第二个吸入器 间隔/腔室 只留在学校里. 本品必须保存在原包装盒中,并附上处方标签. Please check the expiration date on the inhaler and make sure it is not due to expire during the school year. 


    我们将需要每个表格的副本,无论是通过电子邮件发送的文件(PDF或扫描图像), 或者是随药物一起寄来的. 我们不接受表格的照片. 

    If we do not have an inhaler for your child and they are having serious asthma symptoms, 我们会打911. 

    因为COVID(这可能在未来发生变化), 我们无法在学校提供喷雾治疗, 因为这是一个雾化过程. 如果您的孩子哮喘病发作,我们将遵循哮喘病行动计划. 如果护士认为你的学生仍然需要在家里进行雾化治疗, 我们会打电话给家长. 

    学龄前儿童 MUST 与吸入器一起使用间隔器和/或面罩吗. Without the spacer, a child this young will not be able to get a full dose of medication. 请让您孩子的医生开第二种药供学校使用.

    Your school nurse will call you toward the start of the next school year to go over your student’s health care plan and to determine any special accommodations that need be made, 如果有任何. 




    如果你的学生 ever been diagnosed with a seizure disorder (either absence or generalized seizures) or epilepsy, we MUST 他们的紧急癫痫药物可以留在学校吗. 


    1. 扣押行动计划或医嘱 这必须来自医疗保健提供者(医学博士)并由其签名, 护士, 或医师助理——这不能由注册护士签署). 他们可能有一个标准化的行动计划, or they may just write it out as a medication order and also fill out the 药物管理表格 (below). 医嘱上必须写明药物名称, 什么时候给予, 什么剂量, 以及管理的途径. 

    2. 药物管理表格 -请由医疗保健提供者填写此表格. 请务必在底部签名. 这允许我们根据需要进行药物治疗. 你可以在这里找到表格. 

    3. 紧急药物要放在学校 -如果你的孩子已经服用了紧急癫痫药物(例如.g, 直肠安定或鼻内安定), 然后,他们当然应该再服用一剂,或者留在学校. 本品必须保存在原包装盒中,并附上处方标签. Please check the expiration date on the medication and make sure it is not due to expire during the school year. 

    4. 目前的药物清单- 如果你的学生 a diagnosed seizure disorder, they may also take medications at home daily (e.g.凯普拉、苯巴比妥等.). 我们需要知道你的学生每天都在服用这种药物, as there are some side effects that are important for your child’s teachers and other staff to be aware of. 


    我们将需要每个表格的副本,无论是通过电子邮件发送的文件(PDF或扫描图像), 或者是随药物一起寄来的. 我们不接受表格的照片. 

    考虑使用紧急癫痫药物 受控物质. For this reason, this medication should never be sent into school in a child’s backpack. 必须由家长带进来, 数, 并由授权员工在开学前或开学第一天签到. 请在开学第一天之前与学校的护士协调. 

    Your school nurse will call you toward the start of the next school year to go over your student’s health care plan and to determine any special accommodations that need be made, 如果有任何. 




    如果你的学生 been diagnosed with ADHD and is 需要d to take daily medication, please work with your child’s prescribing provider to develop a schedule that avoids their having to take medication during school hours - if at all possible. 

    If that is not possible and your child must take their medication during school hours, 请参阅下文.


    1. 药物管理表格 -请由医疗保健提供者填写此表格. 请务必在底部签名. 这允许我们根据需要进行药物治疗. 你可以在这里找到表格. 

    3. 一个贴有处方标签的药瓶要放在学校里 - This must be kept in its original bottle with the prescription label still attached. The dosage on the bottle must match 剂量 ordered on the 药物管理表格. 这必须由家长带进来.

    4. 目前的药物清单- 如果你的学生每天服用多剂量的多动症药物, 或者多种不同的药物, 请通知护士. 我们需要知道你的学生每天服用什么, 因为有一些副作用对护士来说很重要. 


    我们将需要每个表格的副本,无论是通过电子邮件发送的文件(PDF或扫描图像), 或者是随药物一起寄来的. 我们不接受表格的照片. 

    大多数ADHD药物都被考虑过 受控物质. For this reason, this medication should never be sent into school in a child’s backpack. 必须由家长带进来, 数, 并由授权员工在开学前或开学第一天签到. 请在开学第一天之前与学校的护士协调. 

    如果您孩子的药物发生变化(药物类型), 剂量, 或执政时间), 请和护士谈谈.  每次更换药物时,我们都需要他们的医生提供一份新表格. Your child’s medication may change often over the first few years as they try to find the most ideal and effective treatment. 护士是来支持这些改变的!

    Your school nurse will call you toward the start of the next school year to go over your student’s health care plan and to determine any special accommodations that need be made, 如果有任何. 


    例如,如果你的孩子有复杂的医疗需求, 如果你的学生被诊断为1型糖尿病, 是通过g管喂养的吗, 有心脏诊断或手术史吗, has any notable congenital diagnoses or chromosomal abnormalities - then we will discuss these things with you closer to the start of the school year.  

    如果您的孩子有复杂的医疗需求, we will discuss whether they need an Individualized Health Plan (IHP) before school begins.

    不同的诊断需要不同的表格, so we will talk about this as soon as a nurse is back in the district in the weeks prior to the start of school.

    There are some complex medical needs for which your nurse may request medical records from their medical group or primary care physician. Please be aware of this - the idea is to have the fullest picture of your child’s complex medical needs to better facilitate a positive (and safe!学习环境.